Istituto cultura italiana NCLE

From Wikiyouth

Name Istituto cultura italiana NCLE
Country Georgia
City Tbilisi
Address M. Kostava 68
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Coordinates 41.713614620837, 44.778997678782
Foundation year 2015


Istituto cultura italiana (NGO) is a non-profit organization operating in the linguistic and literary field, active in Tbilisi (Georgia). It has two complementary aims, that is promotion of Italian culture and language in Georgia, with an inclusive and democratic orientation, and of Georgian culture at abroad, and specifically in Italy and other European countries. Moreover, the organization combines its cultural offer with an information processing work, with a strong emphasis on media literacy and the conscious use of new technologies.


The Institute is located in M. Kostava st. 68, on the 1st floor (after the ground floor) of II building inside the Georgian broadcasting area.

Activities and partnerships

  • Italian language courses

The Institute of Italian culture (NGO) provides courses of Italian language in its classrooms. Courses are being held in an informal and stimulating atmosphere.

  • CILS certificate

Since 2022 we entered into an agreement with University for Foreigners of Siena for the provision of CILS certificates of Italian language.

  • European Solidarity Corps

Since 2016 Istituto cultura italiana joined the European Solidarity Corps programme (ESC) hosting European young people in Georgia in order to foster intercultural-exchange, contributing to the renovation of democratic, educational, social and civil structures in Georgia, and to involve young people in activities useful both for the local community, and for their personal and professional growth.