Experiences List

From Wikiyouth

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Nata BeruashviliGeorgiaEmpowering Youth Community

Engaging in the youth-empowering project was truly transformative, especially this one. I always wan...

Miranda MchedlishviliGeorgiaEmpowering Youth Community

Participating in the Italian-speaking club is the best opportunity to study the Italian language and...

Lorena BabunashviliGeorgiaEmpowering Youth Community

My name is Lorena Babunashvili, 22, a former student getting ready for advanced studies in Italy. As...

Ekaterina DadianiGeorgiaEmpowering Youth Community

My name is Ekaterina (Eka), I am 24 years old student. I found an opportunity to join Italian classe...

Tika PichkhadzeGeorgiaEmpowering Youth Community

Ciao ragazzi! This is Tika from Georgia, Tbilisi. I was participating in the Italian language meet-...